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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "If Only". Which "if only" was the most impactful on Hillary's loss to PET? Why do you think so?

"If Only". Which "if only" was the most impactful on Hillary's loss to PET? Why do you think so?

If only Benghazi hadn't happened
If only there were no email controversy
If only she were more likable
If only there were no Clinton Foundation
If only her hubby hadn't fooled around with other women
If only she hadn't stayed with Bill but got a divorce
If only she were younger
If only she were prettier
If only she weren't a woman..if it were Hal not Hillery who ran or better yet Bernie
If only Russia hadn't hacked the Dem computer files
If only there were no Wikileaks
If only ____  _____ _____ (FITB)
If only the FBI had butted out entirely and Comey remained silent and invisible

Posted - November 15, 2016


  • Let's keep it simple ... If only the other 46% had gotten off their lazy bums and voted you may have got a different result
      November 15, 2016 4:44 AM MST

  • 113301
    TOUCHE!  I should have thought of that. I'm very pleased you did. Honestly Ozgirl I was so shocked when I saw that stat! Considering how important this election was how could they have done that? What they did was nothing at all which was everything. You are completely correct! My list in inadequate. You nailed it. Thank you! :)  ((hugs))
      November 15, 2016 5:24 AM MST

  • Why do you keep talking about Fifth Third Bancorp?
      November 15, 2016 5:05 AM MST

  • 691
    In my opinion in was her cheating the nomination from a popular candidate that was the worst mistake she made because it was probably not needed and it was a choice made during the campaign. She could have just campaigned well enough to win the nomination without cheating and I believe that would have allowed her to later win the election. Many things she does will offend those who would not vote for her anyway but when she cheated the primary she pushed away democrats who would have voted for her otherwise. Many democrats wanted a candidate who was not a slave to banks and not a dirty cheat and they did not get this. Other things you have listed were mistakes made before the campaign or things that could not be helped.
      November 15, 2016 7:59 AM MST